Over the next two months I will be diligently preparing for a journey on foot across northern Spain. After several weeks of contemplation, I have decided to follow the way of St. James and do the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage from St Jean Pied de Port in France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. This is not a light stroll in the woods, but rather a strenuous hike on my own across more than 700 kilometres.

I have no experience with long distance walking. I need to train and discover what my body is capable of and what my limits will be. So, I set up a twelve week training plan in Excel that tracks my daily walks and determines my pace after I enter my time into the spreadsheet. (My goal is to be able to walk at least 10 kilometres every two hours.) The plan involves walking shorter distances during the week and back-to-back longer distances on the weekend. My emphasis is on building mileage and strength to be able to carry a backpack up and down hills for five or six hours a day.

I believe that training for the Camino will stack the odds in my favour for a successful and rewarding experience. Younger people and super athletic folks may get away without training, but at my age preparation will reduce the possibility of tendinitis, shin splints, blisters and other physical injuries while hiking across Spain. I also hope the discipline of getting up early in the morning, doing meditation, having a leisurely breakfast, studying Spanish for 45 minutes, and then heading out for training walks will prepare me mentally, physically and spiritually for my Camino.